Romans 6:23a, The Wages of Sin

Romans 6:23a  For the wages of sin is death… 

The wages of sin is death, and safety is in absolute separation from even the appearance of evil. There is a heavy price to pay in meddling with sin. It results in God’s judgement. When Israel first entered into the land, the tribes of Israel failed to destroy the idolatrous nations as instructed by the LORD (Judges 2:2). The idolatrous influences of the remnant nations were too overwhelming for the weak faith of this new generation that arose after Joshua. The failure to obey God’s instructions fully results in utter failure in just one generation. How difficult it is to build and how easy it is to destroy!

The Word of God is given to us to protect our souls from the wickedness of this world. It is like the traffic rules. As a motorist, observing traffic rules means to stop when the light turned amber and finally red to allow pedestrians to cross. The law protects the users. The pedestrian therefore, cross the road in safety. Similarly, when we fail to avoid the pitfalls of life taught to us in the Scriptures, we are as it were blown up by the mines in the mine field of this wicked world like in a war zone, perhaps a hand or a leg is blown off, causing a life time of disability and regret!

As the old saying goes, “Holiness is not inability to sin, but ability not to sin.” The freedom that we have as born-again Christians is within the boundaries of God’s Word. The Word of God sets the boundary for our protection. Just like our parents set the curfew hours that we are not to come home after a certain time. When we obey, we are protected. When we disobey, we expose ourselves to the dangers of this wicked world, waiting to devour our very souls. May God protect us by His grace from the ravages of sin. Amen.