Lord’s Day, Vol. 5 No. 20

Tribute to Mothers and Grandmothers

2 Timothy 1:5 When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.

When the Apostle Paul saw the faithfulness of his spiritual son Timothy, to the Lord Jesus Christ and His cause, he attributed it to the patient devotion and training given by his mother Eunice and grandmother Lois.

Both mother and grandmother demonstrated genuine, unpretentious and sincere faith in the things of God. They painstakingly taught Timothy.

2 Timothy 3:15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

The influence of a godly mother and grandmother bore fruit in Timothy’s life.

Lois was a devout Jewess who instructed her beloved daughter and grandson in Old Testament Scriptures. Paul dwelt upon the faith of the mother and grandmother in the spiritual instruction of Timothy.

The godly Christian home is a potent force for good in the church and the society. As one pastor said, “As the home goes, so goes the church, so goes the nation.”

We would envisage family worship, family piety in Timothy’s home led by grandmother Lois and mother Eunice.

It is not mentioned if Timothy’s father, Eunice’s husband was a believer. He was a Greek (Acts 16:1). It seems from 2 Timothy 1:5 that Timothy’s father was not a Christian.

The scriptures were an important part in the home life of Timothy. Eunice and Lois taught Timothy the fear of God that resulted in Timothy receiving Christ as his personal Saviour at an early age. Eunice and Lois taught Timothy the fear of God that resulted in Timothy receiving Christ as his personal Saviour at an early age.

The converts in Lystra had to endure persecutions to the faith as the land was largely pagan and un-evangelised territory. Lois had to make a stand for her faith when she was converted in such an environment that was hostile to the Christian faith.

Lois, the aged woman in the home set the example of piety. She was a godly influence upon her family.

Titus 2:2-3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things, that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands to love their children, to be discreet, good, chaste, obedient to their husbands that the word of God be not blasphemed.

We observe the unfeigned faith of Lois and Eunice. It impacted the family and Timothy was a good fruit from God’s work of grace through the Apostle Paul, Timothy’s mother and grandmother.

On this mother’s day, we acknowledge God’s good hand in raising godly mothers and grandmothers to nurture the next generation.

May the Lord grant His grace to bless the hands of parents to build a godly generation for His glory.

Blessed Mother’s Day to all mothers and grandmothers in our midst. All praise and glory to God!


Yours lovingly,

Pastor Lek Aik Wee