Proverbs 11:21 (16:5), Guilty By Association

May 17, Proverbs 11:21 (16:5)

2 John 9-11; 2 Thess. 3:6, 14-15 “Should thou help the ungodly and love them that hate the Lord?” (2 Chr. 19:2).

Guilty By Association

1. Tragedy for the Wicked: Not unpunished! This, to many, is not only a severe message, but also one to be rejected as the raving of a troubler of Israel (1Kg. 18:17-18). Guilty persons are always suspicious, and defensive! They measure others by themselves, and expect others to treat them accordingly. Vs.21 continues the familiar theme contrasting the righteous and the wicked, but sinners are ever slow to learn and even slower to obey.

a. The Jointed: Though hand join in hand. Ahaz thought his alliances were justified to save his kingdom, but God condemned them as wicked (Isa. 7-8). Through the centuries, much wickedness has taken place in the name of religion. Most people view the efforts of clergy to join hand in hand with all denominations, and all world religions, as worthy. They (mis)quote Scripture, and claim the Holy Spirit’s leading to warrant these unholy unions. They regard any who oppose their loving efforts as bigots or hate-mongers, and worse, as those who are guilty of obstructing Jesus’ prayer for unity (Jn. 17:21)! Make no mistake, you can’t get good influences out of bad doctrine though hand join in hand. Bad beef will never make good broth! (Read Ezra 9:14; Isa. 9:11-12).

b. The Dis-Jointed: Once it was only the Liberal-Modernists who advocated this joining, but for some time now evangelicals have become disjointed from their original separatist stand. Many of them are now in the forefront of ecumenical involvement! The new director of the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization, Tom Huston, a British Baptist, in his Statement to the Plenary Session in Manila entitled, “Let’s Stay Together,” said, “Each group, including Rome and Greek Orthodox, carries a God-given torch, but it is one parade.” He said he was a separatist as a young pastor, but now he has learned that God works differently, apparently taking his authority from the laws of physics, not the clear Law of God. Yet he ends his Statement: “Let us make our unflinching goal to stay together under the banner of the Word of God.” What is this but to deceive the trusting, but often gullible, supporters? How can clergy go contrary to the Word of God while still claiming to be “under the banner” of that Word? Is not this a wicked deception? How many are being drawn into this net through the disjointed actions of these deceivers? Bad company, of whatever stripe, is the devil’s net!

c. The Judged: The wicked not unpunished. Clearly there is personal culpability for joint actions. “He who hides truth is as bad as another who spreads falsehood.” Each participant must share responsible for the results of joint acts. This is true of religion, politics, or business. Our concern is with religious associations. In such joint ventures there is joint liability. When God lifts His arm of vengeance, it may be against a nation, a movement, or a person. It will be no excuse to say: It was the will of the majority.

Thought: “Division is better than agreement in evil.” Do you agree? 

Prayer: To discern what is contrary to the Whole Counsel of God.