Proverbs 16:20, Efficiency and Faith Linked

October 30, Proverbs 16:20

Acts. 6:1-4; 15:10; 31-32 “Faith makes things possible – it does not make them easy.”

Efficiency and Faith Linked

1. A Demonstrable Truth: Happy (How blest) is he who gives heed to instruction and to the Lord. The first part of the proverb states the Truth. He that handleth a matter wisely. The second part tells how it was done, by Trusting. Whoso trusteth in the Lord. How simply, yet clearly, are we shown the vital link between efficiency and faith! Proverbs give no encouragement to the lazy and careless in any endeavour. “He that believes God for the event, must believe Him for the means also.” If there is to be a sure harvest, you must make a sure sowing!

a. It is Demonstrable Negatively. How many clever minds were perverted or “went to seed” for lack of wisdom in handling this precious gift. Many a man with large capital and even much industry became bankrupt for want of wisdom in handling his resources. How many other talents were squandered because the discipline needed to develop them was not there? This is especially true in the spiritual life. Sadly, it must be said, are there not many spiritual derelicts because of want of wisdom in this matter?

b. It is Demonstrable Positively. Recall how Abraham dealt with covetous Lot. Remember Joseph’s wise handling of the threat of famine in Egypt (Gen. 41:38-40). Think of Daniel and how he purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the king’s meat, and how wisely he and his companions handled the life and death situations that followed (1:8; 3:28; 6;20). Recall, too, how Jesus cautioned the Apostles to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves (Mt. 10:16). Recall their wise handling of the murmuring that arose because the Grecian widows claimed they were neglected, and also how they dealt with the circumcision controversy (Acts 6, 15). Prudence is wise before the act, but courage and wisdom in the act. Faith does not toss away prudence.

2. A Discernible Trust: Whoso trusts in the Lord, happy is he. It is ever so with the man or woman whose trust the Lord is. “What the sun is to the planets, God is to the trusting soul.” Trust provides the best lamp for the journey of life. Such delight themselves in God and desire above all else to please Him. Is not the right trust the best security for eternity and for time, too! “If the faithful had to rely on their own wisdom, they might soon despair of perseverance in the Christian life. But whosoever trusteth in the Lord is not abandoned by the Almighty” (E.Whitaker). Those who as are trusting in God have the assurance of sins forgiven, and a salvation that is certain. What greater cause for happiness, true blessedness, can anyone have than that? True wisdom is just another way of saying, “Trust in God and do the right.” This trust leads to many blessings (Jer. 17:7-8). Turn to Isaiah 26 and read the marvellous promises there, and then “trust God where you cannot trace Him,” and leave the future in His Hands.

Thought: Trust in God, and you will not be guilty of self-contradiction (CHS).

Prayer: Be with me, Lord, when I make decisions, and guide my actions.