Revelation 3:10a; Thou Hast Kept the Word of My Patience

10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, 

The fourth mark of a thriving church is given in verse 10a – “Because thou hast kept the word of my patience”. This church persevered faithfully through all the trials and difficulties, there is that steadfastness in their faith that was able to endure, a steadfast endurance. 

The Lord has been their mainstay and support. That was their secret of strength.

He Will Hold Me Fast

He will hold me fast,
He will hold me fast;
For my Saviour loves me so –
He will hold me fast.

Because they had a humbleness of heart that brings with it spiritual power, obedient and loyal and steadfast in their faith in the face of trials.  

God has set before them an open door, a ministry of reconciliation where sinners to Christ in salvation. What a great blessing this church is experiencing! The mark of a true church.
