John 17:2 Giving and Given Eternal Life

John 17:2 (KJV)  As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.

Here is spoken the restoration of the soul to fellowship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ. The power of that restoration was made on the cross when He wore the crown of thorns, taking upon Him the curse of the Fall. By His death, He bore the curse on our behalf.

And by His resurrection from the dead the third day, He gave eternal life to as many as repent of their sins and believed on His Name.

What a great salvation was wrought. And consummation of the restoration will be at Christ return! A most momentous time of rejoicing that is awaiting His people. May the Lord help us to watch and wait, for our redemption draws nigh. Amen.