Psalm 126:6 Sowing and Reaping

Psalm 126:6 (KJV)  He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him

There is the labour of the sowing and there is the joy of receiving the harvest. For the sower, the labouring process was hard, there were many tears, much pain and much weariness. However, when the harvest comes, the scene changes to one of rejoicing.

The labour of sowing the gospel seed and the joy of the soul won to Christ is of great emotional opposites and contrast. The encouragement is to be willing to labour, trusting the Lord for the harvest.

Though the harvest may be yet distant, the sower does so in faith, with the hope of the harvest. It can be noticed also that the harvest is proportionate to the initial sowing and subsequent work of cultivation. The encouragement is to sow abundantly as strength permits and the Lord’s grace enables. Amen.