Lord’s Day, Vol. 12. No. 25

Lord’s Day, Vol. 12. No. 25

Introducing “The 7am Service”

Psalm 90:14 (KJV) O satisfy us early with thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.

As we survey the scene in the church and the world today, there is a retardation in Christian piety in both the church and her influence in the society we live in.  

The 16th Century Protestant Reformation brought the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world and the revival of the church.

Over the last 60 years, the spirit of the Reformation in both the church and the society suffered a gradual deterioration as a result of the lukewarmness of the church (Rev. 3:14-22). From Geneva to New York even to Singapore, this coolness in the faith amongst church-goers, and the church not impacting society at large with the truth of the gospel, has great ramifications to the current state of the world today.

The overturning of hard-won spiritual and moral victories that has brought reformed order in the societies in Western Europe, America and even Asia through Christian missionaries and evangelistic endeavours over the last 507 years since the Reformation of 1517 in Germany and 1537 in French Switzerland needs to, by God’s mercy, be reversed.

During the Reformation, it was reported in French Protestant Switzerland in Geneva by the church historian Philip Schaff, “The ministers were incessantly active in preaching, catechising, and visiting all classes of the people. Five sermons were preached every Sunday, two every weekday, and were well attended. The schools were flourishing, and public morality was steadily rising.”

The weekday services, particularly strike a resonating chord of contrast for the church today. The sanctifying influence that the church exerts on her parishioners and the society at large in daily meetings should not be underestimated. Whilst the mid-week Prayer Meeting and Bible Study traditionally bring the congregation together besides the Lord’s Day service, it seemed more could be done to strengthen, help and safeguard the church from the seductive influence of the world.

As a local church in our vicinity, introducing a service coined “The 7am Service” provides an avenue to bring members and friends to meet physically for worship for 45 minutes before the start of the day. Through the discipline of daily prayer, reading of Scripture, singing of hymns and preaching of the Word, members and friends inadvertently grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

By His grace, the Lord has provided a place of meeting and a holy zeal for the Lord to begin this spiritual exercise starting Monday, 1 July 2024. We shall meet on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday to Saturday. On Wednesday, we shall have Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer Meeting as usual. Let His people make an appointment with the Lord to meet in His House for worship and prayer at the appointed hour of 7am. For our folks who are home-bound, we shall have daily live webcast of these services, so that they may join in.

Hebrews 10:25 (KJV) Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

Please pray, and invite friends and loved ones, colleagues and classmates to join “The 7am Service” for His Name’s sake and His glory. Amen.

Yours lovingly,

Pastor Lek Aik Wee