Romans 8:32 He That Spared Not His Own Son

Romans 8:32 (KJV) He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?

Christ, the Son of God, was not spared from giving His life a ransom for us so that He may redeem us from our sins. It was on the part of God the Father, a painful choice, as Abraham felt when God instructed to sacrifice his only son Isaac.

The logical thought is that if God spared not His own Son to save us, what else will He not give us for our well-being. The answer is “nothing that is good for us”, isn’t it?

The word chosen by the Apostle Paul is “freely give” and what will God freely give us? The answer is “all things”. Nothing of all of the goodness of God will be withheld but freely bestowed. How privilege we are as God’s children! Let us meditate on this blessed thought. Amen.