John 17:5 O Father, Glorify Thy Son

John 17:5 (KJV) And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

This is the prayer of Christ to the Father in heaven to glorify Him after He has done the Father’s will on earth. Before Christ entered human history and took on human flesh, His glory was that of the Godhead. The glory which Christ had with the Father when He was in heaven before His incarnation.

The glory of Christ was veiled while He was on earth. He came to live in the likeness of man, yet without sin. to be the Redeemer of sinful men. Magnificent truth for Christ kept nothing back but fully obeyed the Father’s will to pay the price for out sins.

All who trust in Christ will be delivered from the curse of the law. Christ fulfilled all the law on our behalf. All praise and thanksgiving to Him. Amen.