Lord’s Day, Vol. 12 No. 36

Lord’s Day, Vol. 12 No. 36

(1) Gospel Rally 2024

Thank God for His grace in enabling the church to hold Gospel Rally 2024 last Lord’s Day (1 September 2024) at the 3 pm Worship Service. The message was entitled “What Can I Do to Inherit Eternal Life?” (Mark 10:17-27). 


  • There Is None Good (v18)
  • None Can Keep the Commandments (v19-23)
  • How Can Sinners Be Saved (v24-27)
  • With God All Things Are Possible (v28)
    • God’s Provision for Sins in Christ
    • God’s Power to Save Is by Grace
    • Humble Ourselves, Repent of Our Sins and Acknowledge Christ for Salvation

Thank God for invitations given to loved ones, friends, colleagues and classmates. We had three new visitors who heard the preaching of the gospel. Pray that the seed of the gospel sown will bring forth fruit in due season. All praise and glory to the Lord. Amen.

Choir Presenting “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”

(2) One Soul Coming to the LORD

Mdm. Tan Gim Tin was admitted to the hospital as a result of a fall that resulted in a hip-change operation. She fractured her left hand. 

On 2 July 2024, a visitation was made to Mdm. Tan Gim Tin in the hospital with a family member. She was about to go for a CT Scan. Was able to share the gospel with her before she was wheeled off for the scan. 

Followed her to the location of the scan and back where there was further time to speak to her, with the singing of choruses “God Will Take Care of You” and “Keep on Believing” with prayer. She recited the sinner’s prayer together.

She was asked if she would take water baptism to confirm her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. During this time, she seemed to have wavered in her faith saying that religions are the same.

On 24 August 2024, when she was to be discharged from the hospital, she suffered a stroke that paralysed the left side of her body. She was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. 

Prayer was made for Mdm. Tan as we meet for the 7 am Services and Wednesday Night Prayer Meetings.

On 26 August, she could not swallow and had to be put on tube feeding. On 3 September she dislocated her left shoulder because of the stroke and was in pain.

Christian lady in the Opposite Bed
Mdm. Tan Gim Tin’s Baptism 

A request was made to the family for visitation on 4 September 2024. It was at the evening 530pm when the visitation was made. The nurses were tending to Mdm. Tan. While waiting, the lady in the opposite bed saw the Bible in my hand and asked if I was from the church. She shared that she is a believer. She shared that she tried to play Chinese Choruses for her at times. She spoke in Mandarin sharing also that Mdm. Tan seemed to be experiencing great discomfort for that whole day. 

Thank God for the time to speak to Mdm. Tan. She was lucid and able to respond to me though she shared that she was in pain due to the position of the feeding tube. It was adjusted for her by her helper. Was able to share the gospel with her and asked if she would like to be baptised. 

One of her relatives came to say hello before going back to his work in the hospital while speaking to her. The Christian lady on the opposite was earnestly praying with her eyes closed while the gospel invitation was presented and for Mdm. Tan’s baptism. 

She was hesitant at first, saying she was not sure. Shared with her that by receiving Jesus Christ she will have true peace and joy to allay her troubled heart. 

She was reminded of her elder brother who was saved, baptised and went home to be with the Lord in 2019. Later, she consented to the baptism with the helper taking a video to record the account of our conversation and her baptism. 

Thank God for His grace in enabling her to decide on her baptism and was baptised after she answered questions on her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ in the affirmative.

Sang the choruses “Only Jesus, Always Jesus” and “Keep on Believing” with the helper recording a video of the choruses sung on her phone to help her recall them later.

On 6 September, her Christian relative shared that she was lucid and prayed a complete prayer with her repeating after him. He testified that she said everything clearly including in Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

On 7 September, she again prayed a full prayer and repeated all the words clearly in the presence of another relative who seemed to doubt if she believed. It allayed her doubts. Praise God!

A baptism certificate will be prepared and presented to her soon. Thank God for saving her. 

(3) The 7am Service – Into the 3rd Month

Thank God for His grace in enabling the church to gather for The 7 am Service in the month of August. There were 17 messages on the Book of Exodus by Mr Lucas Lek from 1 – 24 August and 5 messages on Gospel John chapters 4-8 by Pastor Lek from 26-31 August.

In September, the church will gather 21 times for the 7 am Service with 17 messages by Mr Lucas Lek on the Book of Leviticus and 4 messages by Pastor Lek on John Chapters 9-12. 

2 September 2024
6 September 2024
7 September 2024

Thank God for His grace in enabling 15-20 members and friends joining through “live” webcast and another 25 listening from overseas in our repeat webcast during the day.

Thank God for energizing His people to gather for such regular worship for His glory.

Hebrews 10:25 (KJV) Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.


Yours lovingly,

Pastor Lek Aik Wee