Lord’s Day, Vol. 12 No. 39

Lord’s Day, Vol. 12 No. 39

The Old Paths Conference 2024 

This year’s Old Path Conference will be held, God willing, from 12-14 December.

The theme of the Conference is “The Westminster Confession”. 

This is a historical background:

“On 1 July 1643, the Westminster Assembly of Divines, consisting of many of the foremost theologians of the English and Scottish churches, convened at Westminster Abbey in London. Their task from the English Parliament was ambitious to the least: to reform the liturgy, discipline, and government of the Church of England; to promote church unity between England, Scotland, and the Continent; and to clarify and revise the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion of the Church of England.

Over the course of five politically tumultuous years, committees of the Assembly met and developed a set of documents that would have significant influence in defining the belief and practice of Presbyterian churches in Britain (especially in Scotland) and indeed the world. The doctrinal framework that the Assembly established in their Confession also provided the foundation of the central creedal documents of the Baptists and Congregationalists that were clarified in the decades following the Assembly. 

Although the hoped-for unity between the English and Scottish churches did not materialise, nevertheless the documents produced by the Assembly, and especially the Confession of Faith and Larger and Shorter Catechisms, would become the touchstone for sound doctrine, cherished by generations of Christians as a well-honed summary of biblical truth.

Of the Confession of Faith itself, Professor John Murray noted: “The Westminster Confession is the last of the great Reformation creeds, … No creed of the Christian church is comparable to that of Westminster in respect of the skill with which the fruits of fifteen centuries of Christian thought have been preserved, and at the same time examined anew and clarified in the light of that fuller understanding of God’s word which the Holy Spirit has imparted.” [The Westminster Confession – The Confession of Faith, The Larger and Shorter Catechisms, The Directory for Public Worship with Associated Historical Documents 2018 Banner of Truth Trust]

Carl Trueman observed, “In recent years have witnessed a growing interest in what is increasingly known as “confessional Christianity”. This is a most encouraging development because the term generally refers to a Christianity which takes doctrines seriously. “Confession Christians’ are those who believe that the Bible actually teaches things about God which apply in all times and in all places to all people. Doctrine is a description of who God is and how He has acted. That more Christians are prepared to self-consciously identify with such a conception of Christianity is grounds for gratitude and joy.” [Confessing the Faith – A reader’s guide to the Westminster Confession of Faith by Chad Van Dixhoorn] 

It will be the focus of the church in 2025 to take time to study, understand and practice what is taught in the Confessions. In particular, for the Conference, the focus will be on knowing and understanding “The Ten Commandments”.

A booklet giving the Confession on “The Ten Commandments” will be distributed and studied during the Conference. May the Lord grant a profitable time as we dwell on His Word. Amen.

The 7am Service 

Thank God for His grace in “The 7am Service” for the month of September. We have completed the study of the Book of Leviticus by Mr Lucas Lek and John 9-11 by Pastor Lek on 26-28 September. The last message will be on Monday 30 September on John 12. Do pray and uphold “The 7am Service” in your prayers for His glory. Amen. 


Yours lovingly,

Pastor Lek Aik Wee