Ephesians 5:20 Give Thanks Always For All Things Unto God

Ephesians 5:20 (KJV) Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; 

The people of God are exhorted to give thanks always for all things unto God. And the adjective used here is “all”. “All” means “all”, nothing is left out.

Just as all Scripture is given by God. No part of Scripture is not the very voice of God. The divine character of Scripture is a direct reflection of the divine perfection of God. We have a Perfect God and He gives us this Perfect Book whereby we can order our lives. 

May the Scriptures guide us. Here we are taught to cast our cares upon God and the Father in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ in thanksgiving for He does all things well. Let this be the conviction of our hearts as we give praise to Him. Amen.