Lord’s Day, Vol. 12 No. 40

Lord’s Day, Vol. 12 No. 40

Thank God for Faith and Good Recovery 

It was on 5 September 2024 when a visitation was made to Mdm. Tan Gim Tin was in the hospital where she was baptised. It was the day when she was suffering greatly with the discomfort of a feeding tube, nursing a fracture and weakness having suffered a stroke on 24 August 2024 just before her planned discharge from the Community Hospital. Thank God for granting her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and healing from her dire physical condition.

On 3 October 2024, another visitation was made to present to Mdm. Tan her baptism certificate. When the chorus “God Will Take Care of You” was sung, she could sing along.

Mdm. Tan Gim Tin fell at home and injured her head, right wrist and thigh on 26 June 2024 and was admitted to the hospital. She had a hip replacement operation on 28 June 2024 and was very frail. She was not eating well and was on drip. On 1 July 2024, there were some improvements, she was able to eat a third of her lunch. On 15 July, she had a swollen right leg as a result of blood clots. On 3 August 2024, she suffered from a bacterial infection and was resistant to normal antibiotics.

Thank God for granting faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to Mdm. Tan Gim Tin. Since her confession of faith in Christ and baptism on 5 September 2024, she has been very calm and at peace. She wanted to meet her elder brother Mr Tan Kay Guan in heaven!

Flashback on the late Mr Tan Kay Guan to recount the Lord’s goodness: 

In BHBPC’s Newsletter on Lord’s Day, Vol. 4 No. 21 (22 May 2016) – Thank God for Mr Tan Kay Guan’s (91 years old) confession of faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He received water baptism on 7 May 2016, witnessed by his family members including his dear wife, children and grandchildren. We warmly welcome Mr Tan Kay Guan to the membership of Blessed Hope BP Church.

In BHBPC’s Newsletter on Lord’s Day, Vol. 7 No. 27 (7 July 2019) – Our elderly member Mr. Tan Kay Guan (94 years old), who was baptized on 7 May 2016, went home to be with the Lord on 22 June 2019. We pray for God’s comfort upon the bereaved family especially for his dear wife, Mrs. Tan. Praying that she may come to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The 7am Service

On 1 October 2024, we began the study of the Book of Numbers by Mr Lucas Lek. Pastor Lek will share from John 13-17 from 24-31 October. Thank God for His grace in blessing our gathering on this early morning hour of worship. Thank God for the brethren joining us online via our “live” webcast and repeated webcast during the day. May the Lord comfort and strengthen His people as we exhort one another to love and good works as we see the day of the Lord approaching. Amen.

The 7 am Service – 1 October 2024
The 7 am Service – 4 October 2024
The 7 am Service – 5 October 2024

Yours lovingly,

Pastor Lek Aik Wee