Ephesians 6:1 Children, Obey Your Parents In the Lord
Ephesians 6:1 (KJV) Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.
It is rightful that children obey their parents because it is the Lord’s will according to His revealed Word. God decrees it. He commanded it. As such, rightly, we follow for our well-being and blessing because God is the Arbiter of truth from error, right from wrong.
The word “obey” is in the present continuous tense, children are to continually obey their parents, it is to be a way or habit of a blessed life.
Why is it right? Here is given the first of man’s interaction with another man. Our own parents, the giver of life to us. The beginning of human relationship begins with a biblical understanding of human authority. This is given so that there will be orderliness in God’s created world. Amen.