Proud Man is here sent to the inferior creation for some lessons on life, not to the greatest or noblest, but to the least, an insect, the ant! Why? It is a reproof for his spiritual indolence. Man, the crown of God’s creation, with his great intellect, is now so corrupted by sin that he must learn from ants! What can he learn from this little creature? Lesson One might be that the ant doesn’t act in opposition to the will of his Creator as does man.

The extended warning about adultery is interrupted by three examples of danger which illustrate the warning about going astray in 5:23. They are, suretyship (Snared), the sluggard (Shirker), the naughty person (Schemer). These are still profitable warnings for both this world and the next! “The Book of Proverbs is a better guide for a young man in business than Adam Smith or the Financial Post” (Thomas).

Is there no remedy for the deadly virus of sin? Nothing but God’s grace can rouse a sleeping and stupefied conscience. Well may the guilty tremble and mourn, yet let none despair. The Arm that rescued Solomon and Samson and Magdalene and Paul is not weakened today. With Paul we cry: Thanks be to God there is cleansing for the lost, the lowest and the least. Proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound (Isa. 61:1). The Saviour healed the demoniac and cleansed the leper. In First Corinthians 6:11 we read this glorious affirmation, And such were some of you; but ye are washed, ye are sanctified, ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus.

What a tender, precious picture Hosea paints of God’s training of Israel, which, alas, failed of the desired goal (Pr. 11:4). God says through the prophet, I drew them with cords of a man, even with bands of love. These are the cords of God’s grace. Israel, like a little child, is being taught to go,and is upheld, in those first baby-steps, by the loving parent’s cords. Now, Solomon speaks of the cords of one’s own sin. To reject the cords of God’s gentle leading is to become the victim of sin’s cruel chains of oppression and bondage. Sin becomes its own stick for punishing sinners. As virtue is its own reward, so sin its own rebuke. If man has no regard for the Eye of God, he must face the result of God’s wrath.

Don’t let the pride and privileges of home and family become a snare. Pastors too often see possessive parents and obstinate offspring. God will not bless selfishness or rebellion. When He gives the water He expects it to be dispersed abroad. “To keep all to yourself will defeat your own end; to hold it in will make it stagnate. The only way of keeping it sweet for ourselves is to let it run over for the good of others” (Arnot). Any family united in devotion to God, benefits both parents and children. When C.T. Studd announced he was going as a missionary to China, his mother, though a devout Christian, was distraught. She implored him not to go. When, however, she knew “CT” was settled in his decision, she withdrew her opposition and supported him warmly for the rest of her life.

William Arnot observed, “A painter lays down a dark ground to lean his picture on, and thereby brings its beauty out.” This is what is happening here. The pleasures of marriage and family are painted in the brightest colours nature provides. The Holy Spirit passes from warnings against lust to commend chastity and marital fidelity, “Against the unholy passion to be shunned (Pr. 5:1-14), is set the holy-love to be cherished (Pr. 5:15-21).

The Lustful Way is Shamefully Exploitive. Since the Fall, conscience merely acts as a monitor. It teaches us to perform in good faith, as being right, that which we do; but it does not of itself supply an independent rule of right. “Doing as well as we know how” is not enough, unless we know what is right and do it. God never tells us merely to do our best, or act according to our knowledge. It is our duty to know what is right, and to do it. We are responsible for knowing prior to doing. It is the admitted refusal to obey the best instruction of godly teachers that is in view of these verses. Guilt is the God-given warning of wrong contemplated or committed. Self-will silences what’s left of a seared conscience. This leads to grief, loss and shame. Here, Solomon describes these emotions.

The Lustful way is Senselessly Destructive. These verses give, in vivid detail, the anguish an adulterer brings upon himself by yielding to lust. Our Blessed Lord warned that even a lustful look can lead to sin. Here again the appeal is given: Listen! Don’t forget! Note that it is plural, O my children, my sons, my daughters (Pr. 4:1)! The appeal is addressed to all, for few can say with Paul, None of these things move me (Acts 20:24).

Her end, is literally her afterwards, for surely there is an end (Pr. 23:18). Proverbs uses this word frequently in order that we may not forget that everything has a finale for good or ill. Don’t be deceived by beginnings; it’s the end that counts (Pr. 5:11; Num. 24:20; 1 Tim. 4:1). However sugary beginning with her may be, the end will surely be sour for all.