Proverbs 3:1-12, The Secret of Soul Care – Part III
Happiness as well as Healthiness is obeying the Lord. And peace shall they add to thee (3:2). God had to teach Abraham this blessed truth (Gen. 12:1). Following obediently the call of God was not easy for him then, nor is it easier for us today. Vs. 2 reminds us that happiness is never to be an end in itself. It is always a by-product of Peace (shalom), a right relationship with God and man. It is not found is books on How to Be Happy in Ten Easy Lessons. It is not having an “emotional high” at a charismatic rally. It is not something nebulous, but is found by those who are willing to be obedient to God’s Law. “Peace added forms the sunshine of the toilsome way” (Bridges).