The guilding principle for the exercise spiritual gifts is that it seeks to build up the body. It must be out of love. Therefore, in the sharing of a psalm, in the propounding of a doctrine, in the speaking of a foreign language, a prophetic message, in the interpretation of God’s Word, the body of God’s people is strenghtened.

The church in Corinth has an undue focus on those who speak in foreign languages so that the focus was on the display of the gift of speaking in foreign languages. When the Word of God and Christ is not the centre and focus in the church, such skewing would be costly to the spiritual well-being of the church especially when there are newcomers and unbelievers coming to the church.

The Apostle Paul exhorts the believers to move toward spiritual maturity. He uses the metaphor of “children” to motivate and provoke them to grow up quickly in this matter. Have a correct focus on the imbibing and understanding of God’s Word for their spiritual advancement. He observed the skewing toward the spectacular sign-gift of speaking in a foreign language is not useful to the strengthening of the assembly of God’s people.

The English Reformer William Tyndale resolved when he said to a clergyman, “… I will cause the boy that driveth the plow to know more of the Scriptures than thou dost!” In his lifetime, he translated the Bible into the language of the English people, so that the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ and eternal life in heaven is made known to his people even after his death by execution.

With the advent of modern technology, messages can be recorded in audio and video format and the availability of “live” webcast, God’s Word can be brought to the home via the internet. Some may be in beds of affliction and are too weak to come to church, they may be strengthed through following webcast services. Praise God for such access to His Word. And the intent focus on listening to God’s Word with prayer is vital for one’s spiritual growth.

The believers should seek to be strengthened in the faith by the hearing of the Word of God.

Romans 10:17-18 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.

These words that are sounded forth must seek to reach the ears and the hearts of the listeners. In the Bible school, we are taught “pronunciation, pronunciation, pronunciation.” We may have good words from the Lord to be conveyed but if they are not clearly enunciated. It does not avail the hearers. Not only is the content of the message important but the words sounded forth should be able to reach the hearers’ ears and by the Spirit’s aid, bring conviction and instil faith in the hearts.

The Apostle Paul sought the believers in Corinth to focus on understanding the preaching and teaching of God’s Word for their spiritual strengthening and growth. The Word of God whether by revelation, knowledge imparted, of prophecy and of godly principles, is good for them when imbibed and assimilated for practical Christian living. But taking time in sessions where they would not understand what the speaker is speaking will not profit them. No doubt, it seemed quite impressive to see the speaker gesturing and speaking in a language unknown. It may be exciting to watch the display of such a gift for language.