There is but one God. The mathematical representation of our God is not 1+1+1. For 1+1+1=3, rather its 1x1x1=1. One God manifesting Himself in three Persons – God the Father is God, God the Son is God and God the Holy Spirit is God.

1 John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

Mind-boggling yet most blessed truth that we receive by faith.

Why does man pray to these idols? So that they may find help that is beyond themselves to advance their situation in life. Man make many gods to help them through life. The Egyptians have a god for each day of the year. Often, their faith in these gods provided them an avenue to satisfy their covetous nature. There are those who seek these gods for protection. One elderly said to me that her gods has help her to bring up her family all these years. How could she forsake them for Jesus Christ?

The root of idolatry is covetousness (Col. 3:5). Man’s inordinate desire for material prosperity. Fallen men will not seek God who is the true Supplier of their needs. They seek the concoction of a god that can satisfy their lust for gain. The Israelites in the wilderness built a golden calf because it symbolises prosperity. The calf tills the ground and that helps bring the harvest. The golden calf therefore is worshipped so that it may provide them with good harvest.

It is interesting that the Israelites made for themselves a golden calf to worship while Moses was away from them in the Mount communing with living and true God. The people saw the lightning and thundering and the awesome presence of their God. And yet, they made a god to themselves. How is that possible?

This is the subtlety of deception, delusion and unbelief. Believers in Corinth know that the idol is a false god, not real and there is One living and true God as Scripture declares:

Deuteronomy 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD.

William MacDonald observed, “Paul’s frank judgment is that a widow is happier if she remains unmarried. This does not contradict 1 Timothy 5:14 where Paul expresses his judgment that younger widows should marry. Here he is stating his general idea—in 1 Timothy a specific exception. Then he adds, “I think I also have the Spirit of God.”

A comparison is made between the unmarried who decides to marry and the one who decides not to marry for the sake of devoting undistracted attention to the service of the Lord. The Apostle Paul says that this second person is doing better for the devotion given to serve the Lord.

MacArthur observed well, “As with the single themselves (v. 28), the choice is not between right and wrong but between good (well) and better.”