The Apostle Paul is asking the believers to give space for each other to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Be not quick to be offended by the difference in preference that each has. He has cited the examples concerning the food that they choose to partake. He asked that Christian grace be exercised. He has asked the believers to exercise forbearance for the weak brother who choose to eat only vegetable and will not take meat. As William MacDonald said well, “Let this be not a test of fellowship.” Do not allow such matters to hinder Christians from relating to one another. To “set at nought” is to devour one another with unkind words because of such differing practices.

In heaven, worship is characterised by adoration. These are the features of our worship in heaven:

Praise. We praise the Lord for Who He is and for what He has done. Angels and saints will praise Him (Rev 5:11–14)
Thanksgiving (Rev 11:17–18). We will thank God because we will be so filled with eternal gratitude.
Singing. Heaven will be filled with music and song (Rev 5:9). We will sing a new song. The word “new” here is “new” in terms of quality. We live in the blessings of God’s presence enjoying the Paradise He prepared for us.

The Apostle Paul is encouraging the believer to be a blessing to others. To bless the hearts of the believers and unbelievers that come into our lives. Such a life is indeed lived unto the Lord.

When God’s people spend their time to examine their lives and repent of their sins. The Holy Spirit works a sanctifying work in the heart of such ones. Life is lived for God and for our fellow men. In the love of God and in the love of the people around us, family and friends.

I sent a word of encouragement – “God is with you. Trust Him. Seek Him. He will help you. Psalm 121.”

Having been freed from the bondage of sin through the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ, we depend on God through His Word and His Spirit through prayer to live victoriously for Him.

The believer is to cheer up and be of good courage. He has the wherewithal of living a blessed life through Jesus Christ. May he be encouraged to keep on believing.

The life we have in Christ is purchased with a heavy price. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has to bear the penalty of God’s wrath for our sins. And this sacrifice of our Lord on the cross was enacted once in human history. All who have faith in His atoning work on the cross are freed from the bondage of sin and possess the blessing of eternal life in heaven.

It is not to say that the Christian ignores how fellow believers live their lives. Rather, his focus is on the building up of fellow believers in the faith. The thankful Christian a blessing to fellow believers. He encourages fellow believers to thanksgiving and praise for all of God’s goodness to His children. Many of the psalms express the psalmists’ praises and thanksgiving to God. One personal favourite is “The Old Hundredeth”.

If believers would more spend time in self-examination than to keep an eye on the shortcoming of others, there would be needful peace and harmony amongst the body of Christ. The believer is precious in God’s sight. The Apostle Paul is moved by the Holy Spirit to instruct believers so that they become better Christians. Be rid of that critical spirit rather have a poverty of spirit as Jesus taught.

Matthew 5:3-4 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

The resulting blessings are given in Matthew 5:7-8 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. 8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

The Apostle Paul is exhorting the church in Rome to receive such Jewish converts into their fellowship even though they may not be a fully practising Christian. The reason given is that God has received such a one. We are not to reject him. Rather, to give them time to understand the faith more fully. Meanwhile, extend to them the right hand of fellowship, accord to them Christian love and kindness though there are these differences. Be willing to accommodate them.