Lord’s Day, Vol. 3 No. 37
Evangelism at the Beautiful Gate
A lame man above 40 years old sought alms from Peter and John at the gate of the temple called Beautiful (Acts 3:2; 4:22). The man’s limbs were without strength and he could not walk from birth. It was no fault of his. It was sad, but it was for the glory of God.
The Beautiful gate was the main gate at the eastern part of Herod’s Temple. It was the ninth gate and the principal entrance into the Temple. The ascent to the Temple was by 12 easy steps. The gate itself was made of dazzling Corinthian brass, richly ornamented and so massive were its double doors that they needed the united strength of 20 men to open and close them. It was at 3pm, the 9th hour (Acts 3:1). The Jews observed daily three stipulated hours of prayer. These were the 3rd, 6th and 9th hour. It was when Peter and John observed the appointed time of communion with God that they met the lame man.