2 Corinthians 9:10; He That Ministereth Seed to the Sower
2 Corinthians 9:10 Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness;)
Elijah the Tishbite came to the town Zarephath in Zidon. The Lord instructed him to hide earlier in the brook Cherith after he defeated the prophets of Baal to escape the persecution of Jezebel the wicked wife of Abab, king of Israel. After the water in the brook dried up, he left for Zidon at the beckoning of the Lord.
The Lord said to Elijah in 1 Kings 17:9 Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee.
It is interesting that the widow was preparing the last meal to partake with her son and that’s all they had. This was the story…