1. Saints – A well-Spring of Life! What Grace that makes the mouth of the righteous a well of life, resulting in wells of living water (Jn. 4:14) to flow from this once polluted source! What a vivid contrast this presents! The world is a barren wilderness. There is no help there, but Heaven’s supply makes saints a spring, overflowing from the Heart of God. The well gets its water from heaven through secret veins till it flows out, making all around it green. So must saints seek their supply from the Lord. What an encouragement for the saint, who can affirm, all my springs are in thee, and then goes on to experience the overflow (Jn. 7:38-39)! Only thus can saints spread the refreshing, life-giving waters to all wherever they go. They are like streams or oases in the desert, giving comforting shade, and life-giving refreshment to the weary traveller. Oh, that all who name the name of Christ would be such streams, that the world might see that life-giving flow, and come and taste and see that the Lord is good. Who can estimate how much you owe to God’s marvellous grace, which has made your mouth a well of life?