The word “mother” has been eulogized, usually by poets, story and song writers, almost more than any other word – rightly so. But where can there be found words to describe one’s mother? What adjectives can portray her infinite patience, her unfailing tenderness, her loving care, her amazing self-sacrifice, her wonderful understanding, her intense loyalty?
A little fellow bounding into the living room said, “I like my home so much!” A visiting lady asked why he liked his home better than hers. For a moment the lad paused, then ran to his mother, threw his arms around her and said, “I guess it’s you, Mom!” Oh, what is home without a mother! The affection of friends or family may be estranged, but Mother’s love abides to the end.
Nowadays when the godless element is putting a premium on childless homes and sneering at the faithful wife and mother, some homes are becoming centres of crime; marriage is becoming a merchandise; wives are becoming business women, and children are unavoidable nuisances. The few children who do make it into the world are turned over to milk bottles and babysitters, to public schools where there is now danger in classroom where young people live together without the legality of marriage and where drugs and drink abound in their social life. Some contemplating suicide because there is the lack of warm and love of home life.
But memories of old-fashioned mothers truly bring us back home to the simple things. How different her home! How different her life and sphere of activity! Rarely do we find her equal in this modern age. Her home was her realm – she was always there. No children hurrying home from school to an empty house, left to amuse – or abuse – themselves as they saw fit. She knew only too well the pitfalls Satan lays for young minds and hearts.
We see her with her children sitting in their living room telling them Bible stories, each having a significance that she wished to impress on pliable minds.