Horatio Palmer, 1834 -1907
Mr. Palmer says, “This song was an inspiration. I was at work on the dry subject of ‘ Theory’ when the complete idea flashed upon me, and I laid aside the theoretical work and hurriedly penned both words and music as fast as I could write them. I submitted them to the criticism of a friend afterwards, and some changes were made in the third stanza, but the first two are exactly as they came to me. The music was first written in A flat, but I soon saw that B flat was better, and for many years it has appeared in that key. I am reverently thankful it has been a power for good.”

(1) Devotions for 2018

During the Family Day on 22nd December 2017, a new 365 Devotional Book on the book of Proverbs entitled “God for the Life that Wins!” by Denis Gibson was distributed for devotional use in 2018. It is available in both hardcopy and electronic version: https://www.blessedhope.sg/category/devotions/.

Here is the excerpt of the 7 January 2018 devotional entitled “The Life Changing Course!” based on Proverbs 1:7.

This verse (1:7) is the Motto of Proverbs (Pr. 9:10), and deserves special treatment because it is also the theme of the whole Bible (Ps. 111:10, Job 28:28). To acknowledge the Sovereignty of God in every area, is the first step to knowledge and to successful living.

“By and large the ancient people were more God-conscious than we are; no dimension of life was outside His domain. They did not leave Him in the template as we leave Him in church, nor was He relegated to one day of the week or certain times of the day. They were much more aware of God’s supervision and activity in their day by day routine” (Alden).